Alicia Ruiz Caridad, Ph.D.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow


 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doctoral Fellow

Past Projects

  • NCCR - SPIN: Spin Qubits in Silicon
      NCCR- SPIN (Postdoctoral researcher, 2022-2024, Switzerland
"Initially, the main objective of NCCR SPIN is to develop reliable, fast, compact, scalable spin qubits in silicon. In the medium term, the results should make it possible to use spin qubits to perform calculations that would be difficult on a classical computer. The long-term goal, to which NCCR SPIN wants to make a fundamental contribution, is the creation of a universal quantum computer with more than a thousand logical qubits. Each logical qubit is based on a large number of spin qubits, allowing quantum error correction to be implemented. " 
"The NCCR SPIN team consists of researchers from the University of Basel, IBM Research – Zurich, ETH Zurich, and EPF Lausanne". 
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  • ERC Consolidator Grant (Prof. Laurent Vivien, 2015-2020, France).
ERC Consolidator Grant. Low power consumption silicon optoelectronics based on strain and refractive index engineering.


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